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Modern Houses

Priority Area: Housing, Community Development, and Quality of Place

As Central New York transitions into a semiconductor and technology-driven economy, the need for quality, diverse, and accessible housing, alongside vibrant community spaces, has never been more pressing. 
The area’s residents prioritize community development focused on creating diverse, sustainable, and accessible housing options alongside enhancing the quality of life through improved public spaces and cultural initiatives. This comprehensive approach aims to foster vibrant communities that cater to the needs of all residents.


Parallel efforts, highlighted in studies like the Syracuse, Onondaga County, and Empire State Development housing studies, shed light on the nuanced challenges facing the region, from the decline of local stores in smaller towns such as Marcellus and Camillus to the broader implications of housing shortages on community cohesion. Such changes threaten the fabric of local communities, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive development strategies that address housing affordability, sustainability, and the preservation of community assets critical for attracting and retaining residents in this new era of economic growth.

This expanded vision for Central New York’s development recognizes the interconnectedness of housing, community spaces, and economic vitality, aiming to foster communities that not only meet the practical needs of residents but also nurture the sense of belonging and cultural richness that defines vibrant living spaces.

Priorities and Strategies

Immediate Priority: Enhance and develop diverse and sustainable housing development initiatives

  • Mixed-income Housing: Support and encourage mixed-income housing development and densification.

  • Community Wealth Preservation and Enhancement: Explore methods to benefit existing neighborhood residents amid rising home values.

  • Infill, Rehabilitation, and Reuse: Prioritize the development and redevelopment of housing in and around existing residential infrastructure, especially in disadvantaged neighborhoods and communities.

  • Creative Solutions for Affordable Housing: Explore creative financing solutions to build and preserve new and affordable housing.

  • Homeownership Education and Support: Increase awareness and support around the benefits of home ownership, considering development challenges and credit market factors.

  • Missing Middle Housing: Direct new programming and investments toward developing more missing middle and multifamily housing options.

  • Sustainable, Innovative, and Green Housing Solutions: Prioritize eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and innovative homebuilding techniques to promote environmental stewardship.

  • Historic Home Rehabilitation: Provide grants for rehabilitating historic homes to preserve cultural heritage and enhance livability.

  • Urban Residential Revitalization: Revitalize urban residential areas to improve housing quality and availability.


Additional Priority: Revitalize and connect community spaces and recreation 

  • Support for Municipal Centers, Main Streets, and Central Business Districts: Strengthen the resilience and vibrancy of the region’s many downtowns.

  • Local Recreation Access Expansion: Enhance access to local recreational facilities across various neighborhoods for broader community inclusion and engagement.

  • Winter Indoor Recreation Facilities: Develop indoor spaces for community recreational use during colder months.

  • Third-space Creation: Develop community spaces that act as social surroundings separate from home and the workplace, enhancing community identity and social interaction.

  • Public Transit to Parks: Improve public transportation routes to ensure easy access to parks and outdoor recreation areas.

  • Trail System Connectivity: Connect existing trail systems to create an integrated network for biking and walking.

  • Local Arts and Cultural Initiatives: Offer grants and resources to foster local arts, culture, and heritage projects.


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